

Invited Talks  (selected)

Big data for small earthquakes: data mining, deep learning, and explainable AI

Earthquake monitoring, Deep learning and Explainable AI

Explainable AI for Seismology: An interpretable convolutional neural network for earthquake detection

Big Data Analysis in Geoscience

Machine Learning in Seismology: A Fireside Chat

Advancing solid Earth geoscience with machine learning

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and big scientific data analysis 

Event detection in big sensor data: Applications in earthquake seismology and beyond

Big data for small earthquakes: Computational challenges in large-scale earthquake detection

Machine learning for data-driven discovery in solid Earth geoscience.

Earthquake monitoring in the age of “big data:” Challenges and opportunities.

Data mining for earthquake detection: Lessons for data-driven geoscience. 

Machine Learning in Seismology: Using AI to Improve Earthquake Monitoring. 

Towards data-driven earthquake detection: Extracting weak seismic signals with locality-sensitive hashing. 

Improving earthquake detection with data mining and machine learning. 

Big data for small earthquakes: a data mining approach to large-scale earthquake detection.  

FAST: Earthquake Detection using Computationally Efficient Similarity Search. 

^^ indicates virtual talk

Conference Tutorials
